Download guilty crown shu ouma
Download guilty crown shu ouma

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Shu's father soon remarried and was raised by his Step-mother. The virus killed millions, even claiming the life of Mana, from then on Shu blamed himself for her death and a shadow of his former self. One day they were out and at the playground when the even known as "Lost Christmas" occurred, this was when the apocalyptic virus hit. Mana loved Shu more than a brother and saw him as more, even taking away his first kiss. At a young age he lost his mother due to an illness from then on he was raised mainly by his sister whose name was Mana. Shu's is not to say the least really tragic. Being scared of getting close to people, being afraid of death, and wanting to protect the few peoe you are close to is a respectable trait that all humans share. But to be honest I appreciated his personalities, to me it is so human-like. I absolutely loved Shu's change in personality, to change for the better so much due to one course of action in your life is really amazing. From then own he developed a much much braver personality, later on he starts falling in love with Inori. However Shu's personality took a complete 180 when he decided to save a girl called Inori Yuzuriha form people that wanted to capture her. People would describe him as "Unsociable" or "Timid", Shu thought very lowly of himself and even hated himself for it. Preferring to stay out of the way of others, Shu always distanced himself from people on purpose, because he was afraid of getting attached to others. To say the less I do not like Shu's personality one bit to me it always appeared wimpy for no good reason and it got me really annoyed by it. Shu never wanted the power of the King, but he got stuck with it. Due to him receiving the power of the King he must now fight in life threatening situations to help protect people who are being opressed much to his dismay. Shu is the spitting image of a boring and average person, just like anyone his age would normally be. The void genome or the King's hand only grants those who have compatible DNA with it, if someone whose DNA isn't compatible obtains it their body rejects it and they die. This power was granted to him by thr Void Genome, which is a cylinder that bestows upon someone The power of the King. He is the one who wields the "Power of the king" basically, this power allows the person who has it to call forth people's personalities as weapons called "voids". Shu is the main character if Guilty Crown.

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